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CDN Internet (Website) Privacy Policy

Website Data Collection Practices

We collect some information about visitors indirectly through standard web logs, including IP address and browser. We use this information only to administer and improve our website. Some data may be traceable to an individual, but we do not seek to identify individuals unless we suspect improper use of the site.

We may ask a user who agrees to provide contact information (e.g., name, email address, telephone, etc.) to allow us to provide company information.


We sometimes use an Internet device called a cookie to store login or other information on your computer. A cookie is a small amount of information that a website transfers to your computer's hard drive. We use cookies to simplify your access and to tailor our services to your needs and interests. No other site can read a cookie used by CDN, and we cannot read a cookie that another website wrote to your computer. Most Internet browsers are set to accept cookies.


Unless required by law or as agreed by you (see Collection Practices above), we will not disclose or use your information outside of this site.

For more information regarding this Internet Privacy Policy, or to forward any questions or complaints, please contact:

Brian Van Doormaal
General Manager

Canadian Dairy Network
660 Speedvale Avenue West, Suite 102
Guelph, Ontario, Canada
N1K 1E5
Tel: (519) 767-9660 ext. 101
Fax: (519) 767-6768

Copyright 2024 Canadian Dairy Network - July 27, 2024

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Copyright 2024 Canadian Dairy Network - July 27, 2024